2021 is here, and yes, we are leaving all the trauma of 2020 behind. It’s time to apply this spiritual cleansing to our wardrobes!

Since the pandemic entered our lives, we have collectively been curious about a more sustainable and minimalist style of life. “Capsule collections”, which we are used to seeing from brands, enter our homes as “capsule wardrobes” as a sustainable option!

“Capsule wardrobe” is not really a new concept. The term was first coined in the 1970s by Susie Faux, a boutique owner in London. Capsule wardrobe simply means a collection of “basic” pieces that are timeless and can be easily matched with seasonal items. With nowhere to go and nothing to do in 2020, we had a great opportunity to empty our closets.  However, this was also a great opportunity to reflect on the impact of our clothes on our planet… The pandemic was a process in which fashion lovers raised their awareness.

This new decade, which forever changed how we view and consume fashion, started in flames, drawing more attention to the climate crisis, which also had a high impact on the fashion industry.  Capsule wardrobes, on the other hand, can be seen as a small step in an attempt to extinguish these flames. While the sustainability movement in fashion has been gaining momentum for years, the idea of less consumption in general has also become quite popular during the pandemic.

Creating a capsule wardrobe is all about rebuilding your existing collection with pieces you’ll love for years (or even decades). Although the idea of playing with trendy pieces is nice, the clothes we wear and need on a daily basis are generally “basic” pieces.  Creating capsule wardrobes does not mean leaving fashion trends right behind, but rather a shift towards dressing in line with our current home lifestyle and thinking.  Many people organize their capsule wardrobe with classic, soft-colored, sophisticated but versatile pieces, while others organize them with patterned and colorful, fun pieces that bring them joy when they wear them.

Our wardrobe needs have undergone a radical change over the past year; Many people are currently working from home and are subject to lockdowns on weekends.  As such, our relationship with clothes has gone far beyond “outfit of the day”! Now, we’re wearing something because we want to feel good in it! In addition, capsule wardrobes eliminate the “what will I wear today” and “I have nothing to wear” crises that sends you down a crazy spiral 🙂 Thanks to the basic pieces and the color scale of your choice, dressing up when going somewhere is no longer a stress factor. So, having a regular, essential pieces closet and wearing them over and over takes the daily stress out of dressing!

Will capsule wardrobes continue to grow in popularity? We’ll see. However, we have to change our shopping habits for our planet and build stronger and sustainable wardrobes that will last for years!