Photo: Osamu Yokonami



Aquarius’ adventure that will last 2300 years is just the beginning but, during the transition period we have been living for the last year, humanity has shown that it is ready to embark on a new adventure. Under the inspiration of this new age, our goals as humanity will be centred around the value of human life as well as all living things on our planet.

We witnessed unprecedented cross-continental protests that started in the second half of 2019. The Hong Kong protests that have ruled the streets for months in the name of democracy despite intense police brutality, the struggle of hundreds of thousands of Lebanese people in the streets of Beirut against government corruption, the rebellion against the men controlling the bodies of women in Eastern Europe… In a nutshell, we heard what was unheard of and saw the unseen. These protests, riots, rebellions, whatever you want to call them, centred on love and justice were the footsteps of the coming Age of Aquarius.

Fotoğraf: Nicolas Asfouri

From the people of Guatemala fed up with constant poverty to the Black Lives Matter movement demanding an end to police brutality and systematic racial inequality, the winds of change continue to blow rapidly around the world. Are all these events just coincidence, or could there be planets and stars behind this accelerated movement of change?

For the past 2000 years, Piscean principles have been the force behind the development of individuality and abstract idealism. During this period, we have seen that we adhere too much to our various religious and political ideologies. We’ve also seen that when thoughts and beliefs turn into unhealthy fanaticism it breeds violence. Today, totalitarian forces have become the most dangerous form of resistance to the creation of a healthier society.

Fotoğraf: Игнат Черняев

In 1625, Pisces began to gradually lose its influence, and in 1675 it was aligned with the constellation Aquarius. Since then, Aquarian energy has grown stronger. However, it is only in the last few years that the Aquarius has started to suppress the impact of the Pisces. The general unrest and general lack of management (or too much management in many parts of the world) that is currently being experienced around the world are due to the conflict between these two forces. This is a war between the old and the new. Some of humanity is under the influence of Pisces; tends to be more nationalistic, individualistic, and competitive. The other half is under the Aquarius influence; adopts the principles of cooperation, unity, and justice. This Aquarius-influenced group acknowledges the failure of political, economic, educational, and social institutions to meet everyone’s needs and demands its change. Piscean principles are out of date and, as with anything that does not embrace diversity, it must be changed or destroyed.

Fotoğraf: Сергей Максимишин

Now, over the next 2300 years, Aquarius will allow humanity to experience the sense of unity as one family, blending us into one consciousness with its energy. In the coming era, we will learn to present our high level of individuality that we learned in the Pisces age to the good for the whole. We can only build the greatest unity through absolute diversity. The aim of this age will create healthy human relationships based on the principles of sharing, freedom, and justice. Change is inevitable, and it happens whether we like it or not. History has shown time and again that people are afraid of change and that the greatest turmoil takes place in times of change. The “Great Conjunction” of Saturn and Jupiter in the sky today is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new cycle. Are you ready for change or are you blindly committed to the “norms” so much that you are going to resist? So what you have to decide is, will you be an endangered species or the seed of the future?